SPECIAL: Join Own Your Niche for Just $48!
You've been told "You have to niche down" but easier said than done right?
You might be a coach that has an idea of what your niche could be but you're not 100% just yet, maybe you've already done a course that helps you find your niche and you're still not fully clear or maybe you're a coach that really doesn't have much idea at all. You know you want to help people in some sort of way but you're confused on who that will be and how exactly you will help them.

Before starting this business, I remember I wanted to help people be more and do more but I just didn't know exactly who and how I was going to do that.

Just like you, I was told that I MUST niche down but I wanted to help everyone! I didn't want to miss out on helping those that I could.

So being the typical rule breaking person that I am, I went against the rules and started my coaching business without a niche and about 6 months in and with little results to show I realized this "you have to niche down" thing, is actually true!

And the reason it's so true is because we live in a world now where people have so many options when it comes to getting help solving their problems.

Because of this, people don't look for generalists like they did back in 2010. They now look for specialists who help with their specific problem and that's why if you plan to use social media in 2021 to help grow your online coaching business then you need to really own your niche.

And owning your niche means you are 100% clear on who specifically you serve and the specific problem you solve plus you know how to communicate that in the most simple and easy to understand way!
  • Content creation becomes much easier because you know who exactly you're creating it for
  • You start to have a clear direction on where you're heading as opposed to being confused every second day
  • Your following grows full of people that actually want to buy your stuff
  • ​More people start engaging with you and your content
  • ​Because you're feeling more clear & certain, you take more action, naturally you get more clients and your business grows
You've been told "You have to niche down" but easier said than done right?
You might be a coach that has an idea of what your niche could be but you're not 100% just yet, maybe you've already done a course that helps you find your niche and you're still not fully clear or maybe you're a coach that really doesn't have much idea at all. You know you want to help people in some sort of way but you're confused on who that will be and how exactly you will help them.

Before starting this business, I remember I wanted to help people be more and do more but I just didn't know exactly who and how I was going to do that.

Just like you, I was told that I MUST niche down but I wanted to help everyone! I didn't want to miss out on helping those that I could.

So being the typical rule breaking person that I am, I went against the rules and started my coaching business without a niche and about 6 months in and with little results to show I realized this "you have to niche down" thing, is actually true!

And the reason it's so true is because we live in a world now where people have so many options when it comes to getting help solving their problems.

Because of this, people don't look for generalists like they did back in 2010. They now look for specialists who help with their specific problem and that's why if you plan to use social media in 2021 to help grow your online coaching business then you need to really own your niche.

And owning your niche means you are 100% clear on who specifically you serve and the specific problem you solve plus you know how to communicate that in the most simple and easy to understand way!
  • Content creation becomes much easier because you know who exactly you're creating it for
  • You start to have a clear direction on where you're heading as opposed to being confused every second day
  • Your following grows full of people that actually want to buy your stuff
  • ​More people start engaging with you and your content
  • ​Because you're feeling more clear & certain, you take more action, naturally you get more clients and your business grows
My 4 Step "Niche Nailing" Formula!
That will give you COMPLETE niche clarity, a point of difference and help you deliver your "I help" statement like a pro!
The 7 Biggest Niche Misconceptions That Are Costing You Clients!
Find out what's been holding you back and start moving forward with MOMENTUM!
The Secret to Standing Out & Instantly Connecting With Your Audience!
That will take your messaging and content to a whole NEW LEVEL and start attracting a ton more clients!
Live Q&A!
We are going to be opening up the floor and ANSWERING all your niche related questions!
My 4 Step
"Niche Nailing" Formula!
That will give you COMPLETE niche clarity, a point of difference and help you deliver your "I help" statement like a pro!
The 7 Biggest Niche Misconceptions That Are Costing You Clients!
Find out what's been holding you back and start moving forward with MOMENTUM!
The Secret to Standing Out & Instantly Connecting With Your Audience!
That will take your messaging and content to a whole NEW LEVEL and start attracting a ton more clients!
Live Q&A + MORE!
We are going to be opening up the floor and ANSWERING all your niche related questions!
And included with this 4 hour, live workshop is an awesome guarantee that you'll struggle to find anywhere else!
It can be hard to know who to trust these days because our news feeds are full of people making big promises and sadly the truth is they don't always back up what they say. Maybe you've purchased a course or program before that didn't exactly deliver on your expectations, I know I definitely have!

Because of this, I want you to have zero risk coming into this workshop and the deal is you will walk away knowing exactly who you help, how you help them and what your first program is going to be OR YOUR MONEY BACK!
No questions asked, just send Mia an email at customer support at ask@lukepage.com.au and we will refund you straight away….we'll even let you keep the recordings and workbook!
It can be hard to know who to trust these days because our news feeds are full of people making big promises and sadly the truth is they don't always back up what they say. Maybe you've purchased a course or program before that didn't exactly deliver on your expectations, I know I definitely have!

Because of this, I want you to have zero risk coming into this workshop and the deal is you will walk away knowing exactly who you help, how you help them and what your first program is going to be OR YOUR MONEY BACK!
No questions asked, just send Mia an email at customer support at ask@lukepage.com.au and we will refund you straight away….we'll even let you keep the recordings and workbook!
value $100
The Best Way to Set Up Your Social Media Profiles + Create Super Engaging Content So You Can Attract a Ton More Followers, Engagement And Clients!
Your social media profiles are the gateway to getting clients + growing your business. 
Once you've completed the Own Your Niche workshop the next thing you will want to do is optimise your profiles so they draw your ideal client in to push follow and start engaging with you.
In this 90 minute, pre recorded class you're going to learn exactly how to do just that!
  • The 9 Profile Mistakes That Are Costing You Followers + Clients!
  • My 3 Step (CRAZILY SIMPLE) Process to Creating Super Engaging Content even if you aren't the most creative person!
  • ​The perspective shift that will Make Your Marketing Perform 10x Better!
       ...AND MORE!
value $100
The Best Way to Set Up Your Social Media Profiles + Create Super Engaging Content So You Can Attract a Ton More Followers, Engagement And Clients!
Your social media profiles are the gateway to getting clients + growing your business. 
Once you've completed the Own Your Niche workshop the next thing you will want to do is optimise your profiles so they draw your ideal client in to push follow and start engaging with you.
In this 90 minute, pre recorded class you're going to learn exactly how to do just that!
  • The 9 Profile Mistakes That Are Costing You Followers + Clients!
  • My 3 Step (CRAZILY SIMPLE) Process to Creating Super Engaging Content even if you aren't the most creative person!
  • ​The perspective shift that will Make Your Marketing Perform 10x Better!
       ...AND MORE!

For the past 12 years I've been teaching people the art of selling and effective communication.

Through working with thousands of coaches over the years and helping them grow their online business to 6 figures, one of the biggest challenges coaches face in the early days of growing their business is struggling to communicate effectively.

They have a message to spread across the world but finding the right words sometimes doesn't come so easy and this same struggle usually holds coaches back from really owning their niche.

Once you discover what you're truly here to do and whom you're here to serve then you need to learn how to communicate that in the most clear and simple way so your people understand it.

Right now, If you are at all confused about your niche then this workshop is going to give you the clarity and certainty you've been looking for that'll take you to the next level in your business.
For the past 12 years I've been teaching people the art of selling and effective communication.

Through working with thousands of coaches over the years and helping them grow their online business to 6 figures, one of the biggest challenges coaches face in the early days of growing their business is struggling to communicate effectively.

They have a message to spread across the world but finding the right words sometimes doesn't come so easy and this same struggle usually holds coaches back from really owning their niche.

Once you discover what you're truly here to do and whom you're here to serve then you need to learn how to communicate that in the most clear and simple way so your people understand it.

Right now, If you are at all confused about your niche then this workshop is going to give you the clarity and certainty you've been looking for that'll take you to the next level in your business.
Copyright 2022 - Luke Page - All Rights Reserved